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Lentil and Buckwheat Slice

Recipe : Lentil and Buckwheat Slice
Procedure :

4 oz Roasted Buckwheat

1 Carrot

1 Onion

1 ts Oil

6 oz Red Lentils

1 pt Veg stock

Dried herbs -(parsley + rosemary - are recommended) 1 ts Marmite

-(for the Brits amongst you) 1 pn Nutmeg

Salt Pepper 1.Chop onion and carrot, saute in oil in a fairly large saucepan 2.Add all

other ingredients - bring to boil 3.Simmer for 30 minutes, until liquid is absorbed 4.While 3. is taking place, preheat oven to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6 5.Put mixture in loaf/flan dish 6.Put loaf/flan dish in 4. above. 7.Cook

for 30 minutes Note: I see no reason why you would need to use the oil, just cut up the carrots extra small, place all ingredients in the pan and start at 2. Posted by Pat Buttons

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