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Couscous Stuffed Eggplant

Recipe : Couscous Stuffed Eggplant
Procedure :

1 c Raw coucous

2 md Eggplants

3 tb Olive oil

3 ea Garlic cloves, minced

5 bn Scallions, minced

3 md Tomatoes, chopped

4 tb Wheat germ

2 tb Lemon juice

1/4 c Fresh parsley, minced

1 ts Ground cumin

1 ts Chili powder

1/2 ts Turmeric

Salt & pepper Prepare couscous by covering with twice as much boiling water & letting stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 375F. Cut stems off eggplants & cut in half. Cut away pulp leaving 1/2" shell. Dice the pulp. Heat olive oil plus 2 tb water in skillet. When hot, add eggplant & garlic & saute, covered till eggplant is tender. Stir occasionally. Add scallions & tomatoes & cook till they have softened a bit. Add the rest of the ingredients, including the coucous. Remove from heat. Fill each eggplant shell with the skillet mixture. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes. Nava Atlas, "Vegetariana"

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