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Channukah Candle Salad

Recipe : Channukah Candle Salad
Procedure :

---------------------------LISA CRAWLEY TSPN00B--------------------------- 2 Bananas

4 Slices canned pineapple

4 Orange gumdrops

4 Strips green pepper

Lettuce Mayonnaise ---------------------------------VARIATION--------------------------------- 2 Red apples

--------------------------------VARIATION #2-------------------------------- Asparagus tips Lettuce Carrots Water cress Olives Radishes Parsley French dressing Cut bananas in half and remove tips. Stand upright in pineapple centers. Top with gumdrop to represent flame. Pour a little mayo. from tip of each candle to represent melted wax. Arrange strip of pepper for handle, making a loop fastened into pineapple at base of candle. VARIATION: Cut red apples in 2 without paring and remove cores. Set a half banana into center to represent candle, top with gumdrop and pour mayonnaise down side of candle. VARIATION #2: Use canned asparagus tips for candles. Arrange flat on a flattened lettuce leaf or finely shredded lettuce. Make tips of carrot to represent flame, garnish with water cress, olives, radishes, and parsley. Serve with French dressing. Serve individually or arrange on a long platter.

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