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Carrot-Rice Puree

Recipe : Carrot-Rice Puree
Procedure :

2 tb Brown rice, uncooked

6 Carrots, scrubbed and

-chopped in small pieces 1 1/3 c Water

From "Baby's First Helpings" by Chris Casson Madden ISBN: 0-385-19143-X A nutritious, smooth dish with a bit of texture for older infants. (or broth or leftover ooking liquid from cooking vegetables) 1 teaspoon sweet butter (optional) Place rice and carrots in a saucepan with the water and cover. Simmer until the water is absorbed--about 30 to 40 minutes. When cool enough to handle, puree in blender or food processor with butter until smooth Refrigerate, or freeze leftovers in ice cube tray. Makes 1-1/ cups

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