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Brischtner Nytlae (Dried Pears Poached In Spice Wine ...

Recipe : Brischtner Nytlae (Dried Pears Poached In Spice Wine ...
Procedure :

-----------------------------------PEARS----------------------------------- 16 Dried pears

4 dl Red wine (1 3/4 cups)

1 Stick cinnamon

60 g Granulated sugar (2 oz)

1 Clove

-----------------------------------SAUCE----------------------------------- 2 tb Honey

1 tb Butter

Lemon juice --------------------------------RICE PUDDING-------------------------------- 2 dl Milk (7/8 cup)

50 g Unpolished rice (1.75 oz)

1 1/2 tb Butter

1 tb Kefir (or yogurt)

2 tb Whipped cream

Granulated sugar Walnuts, freshly roasted ----------------------------------GARNISH---------------------------------- Angelica, finely chopped -- (or other 'fruits -- confits') Brischtner nytlae (Dried pears poached in spiced wine with rice pudding) PEARS: Soak the pears one day in advance. Drain the pears. In a small saucepan bring wine, cinnamon, sugar and clove to a boil. Add the pears and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove the pears, set aside. SAUCE: Stir the honey into wine. Bring to a simmer and reduce liquid over moderate heat to half its volume. Remove spices. Stir the butter into the sauce and season with 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Keep warm. RICE PUDDING: Bring mild to a boil.

Add a pinch of salt, stir in the rice and cook until tender. Stir the butter into the rice. Let cool. Add some sugar (if necessary !), mix in the walnuts, stir in the kefir and the whipped cream. SERVING: Rice and pears should be served at room temperature. Arrange on dessert plates. Pour sauce around pears and rice-pudding. Garnish with chopped angelica (or other 'fruits confits').

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