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Basic Spaetzle Dough Recipe

Recipe : Basic Spaetzle Dough Recipe
Procedure :

2 Eggs -- slightly beaten

1 1/2 C Flour -- sifted

1/2 C Milk

1 T Salt

1/4 T Baking powder.

(Adapted from Art Culinaire issue #39)

Bring a saucepan of salted water it a boil, reduce the heat, and maintain a simmer. In a bowl, stir all the ingredients together. Place a colander over the pan, pour about1/4 of the batter into the colander, and press through the holes with a plastic spatula into the hot water. When the spatzle starts to float to the surface, cover the pan and keep covered until the spatzle appears to swell and is fluffy. Remove the dumplings and repeat the procedure with the remaining batter.

Diane Geary

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