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Aaronson's Turkey Soup

Recipe : Aaronson's Turkey Soup
Procedure :

-----SUSAN AARONSON----- Turkey carcass

I love turkey soup. Here's what I do. Cut the carcass in half and put it into a large stockpot. Add 1 huge onion; diced medium, 3 stalks celery, chopped medium , 3 carrots, medium dice, 1 cup yellow and 1 cup green split peas and enough wat er to cover the ingredients by an inch or two. Let this mixture come to a boil. Lower the -> flame to a good simmer and cook for about 3/4 of an hour. Add 1 can chick peas, a handful of small pasta (tubetti or tubbettini are my favorites) a nd when the pasta is al dente, the soup is finished. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper and eat! After the soup is chil led remove the carcass & pick off any pieces of turkey that remain. You may want to add more water, as this does produce quite a thick soup. Add as much as you need. The vegetables and peas will have flavored the broth enough to withstand t he addition of more water. I hope you enjoy this soup. SUSAN FROM: SUSAN AARONSON

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