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Basic Quiche Recipe

Recipe : Basic Quiche Recipe
Procedure :

2 Tbsp. flour

1/2 C. mayonnaise

1/2 C. milk

2 eggs -- beaten

8 Oz. sharp Cheddar cheese


Note: Swiss cheese may also be used, or a combination of Swiss and Cheddar cheese. Combine all ingredients well; a wire whip works best. Add whatever vegetables you desire (broccoli, spinach, onion, peppers, mushrooms, etc.) and/or whatever meats you desire (bacon, ham, cold cuts, shrimp, etc.). All meats should be cooked and cut up or chopped, as should your vegetables, although they'll cook slightly during cooking of quiche. Pour entire mixture into a ready to bake pastry-lined pie pan and bake at 350 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes. Cooking times will vary, depending upon amounts and types of ingredients added. Quiche is done when top is browning and center has firmed up. Cool slightly before slicing, to allow quiche to firm up. Use your imagination to design your own special quiche.

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