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Arizona Desert Chili

Recipe : Arizona Desert Chili
Procedure :

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

3 garlic cloves -- chopped

2 onions -- chopped

1 green bell peppers -- chopped

3 pounds beef

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon ground oregano

3 tablespoons chili powder

10 tomatoes -- peeled and chopped

2 jalape?o peppers -- optional

1 can beer

* Have beef chopped, not ground.

1. Heat oil in a large heavy skillet. Add garlic, onions and

green pepper. Saut? until soft, about 5-7 minutes. 2. Add beef and lightly brown on all surfaces. Drain off some of

the fat i f a lot has accumulated. Lean beef trimmed of all fat should not have an excess amount, however. 3. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 1 hour or slightly

longer. Put a cover on skillet during cooking time, and slightly tilt it so steam can esca pe. Check often and stir to prevent sticking. Skim off fat as it rises. Best if allowed to sit, tightly covered, for an hour after cooking is complete.

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