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Ardshane House Irish Stew

Recipe : Ardshane House Irish Stew
Procedure :

4 lb Middle neck of lamb, cut in

One inch chunks 4 lb Potatoes, peeled

10 sm Onions, sliced

2 oz Pearl barley

2 pt Beef stock

Salt and pepper to taste "That's the basic recipe. You can add a load of sliced carrots and leeks to make it go further and about 5-6 tsps. of Worchestershire sauce or regular brown sauce wot you Yanks pour over everything!! If you like, you could add a half a pint of Guinness to your stock. I make my stock from the potato peelings, carrot tops, leek ends, and any other stuff I find lurking in the refrigerator. If you chuck in a few moldy lamb bones and boil/simmer for several hours, you should get a damned good stock (strain the liquid or you'll get God knows what stuck in your teeth!!) You'll need to start with about 5 pints of liquid. Then bung everything into a ginormous pan, bring to the boil, and then simmer for about two hours...should taste bloody orgasmic! Salt and pepper to taste, depending on your level of drunkeness!!"

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