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Microwave Grape Jelly

Recipe : Microwave Grape Jelly
Procedure :

1 1/2 c (360mL) grape juice

2 ts (10mL) lemon juice

1 tb (15mL) powdered pectin

1 3/4 c (420mL) sugar

Combine grape juice, lemon juice and pectin in a three-quart microwave-safe bowl. Cover with plastic wrap or waxed paper and bring to a boil in the microwave oven on high setting (about 5 minutes). Remove from oven and add sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves, then return to oven. Bring mixture to a boil on high setting (about 4 minutes). Remove from the oven and stir. Return the uncovered mixture to the oven and cook until jelly sheets from a spoon (about 1 minute). Skim foam: pour into sterilized jars. Adjust caps. Yield: about 2 half-pints (480 mL). From: The Ball Blue Book Shared By: Pat Stockett The jelly will only be as good as the juice you use is. Jelly must be boiling hot to achieve a seal when using vacuum lids and metal screw bands. Pour jelly into jar, holding ladle or kettle close to the top of the jar. This prevents air bubbles from forming. Quickly fill jar to within 1/8 inch (3mm) of the top. Wipe top and threads with a clean, damp cloth. Put hot lid on with sealing compound next to jar. Screw band on evenly and tightly. Invert jar for a few seconds so hot jelly can destroy any mold or yeast which may have settled on the lid. Cool, test for seal, remove bands and store. Or: Jelly glasses are filled in a manner similar to jars, except a 1/2 inch head space (13mm) is left at the top. Then the jelly is immediately covered with a 1/8 inch (3mm) layer of melted, but not smoking paraffin. A single, thin layer of paraffin holds a seal better than a thick layer. To insure a good seal, paraffin must touch all sides of the glass. Prick any air bubbles that appear on the paraffin. Bubbles cause holes to appear as the paraffin hardens, and an imperfect seal may result. Allow glasses to stand until paraffin hardens and then cover with metal lids. Store in a cool, dark, dry place. Make only one batch at a time.

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