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Domatoules Glyko (Spicy Cherry Tomato Preserves)

Recipe : Domatoules Glyko (Spicy Cherry Tomato Preserves)
Procedure :

3 lb Cherry tomatoes

Boiling water 2 ts Slaked lime *

2 qt Water

5 c Sugar

2 c Water

1 Cinnamon stick

10 Whole cloves

8 Allspice seeds

1 Lemon's rind; grated

1 c Blanched almonds

Note: Slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) is available from the pharmacy. Wash the firm, ripe cherry tomatoes and blanch in boiling water to cover. Drain and slip off the skins, and place in a large bowl. Meanwhile combine the lime with 2 quarts water and shake thoroughly, allowing residue to settle to bottom of jar. Pour the lime water over tomatoes and soak 10 minutes. Lift tomatoes out of water with slotted spoon and save the lime water. Using tip of sharp knife incise bottom of each tomato with a small cross. Slightly squeeze and simultaneously shake each tomato to discard seeds and put back into the lime water to soak another 30 minutes until firm. Drain, thoroughly inverted, on linen towels. To make the syrup, combine the sugar and 2 cups water in jelly pan, stir and bring to boil. Skim, add the spices and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Cool tomatoes overnight in syrup and continue cooking to soft ball stage. Remove from heat, add tomatoes. Cool. Slip an almond inside each tomato. Store cherry tomatoes in sealed containers. From "The Food of Greece" by Vilma Liacouras Chantiles. Avenel Books, New York. Typed for you by Karen Mintzias

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