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Pear Harlequin

Recipe : Pear Harlequin
Procedure :

3 lb Pears (underripe)

1 cn Pineapple (small can crushd)

1 Orange (juice & grated rind)

4 oz Maraschino cherries

3 c Sugar (per 4 cup fruit mix)

Wipe, stem, peal and core pears. Cut in small pieces. Mix pears, pineapple and orange (juice and rind) together. Measure. For each 4 cups fruit mix, add 3 cups sugar. Cover and let stand overnight. Simmer until thick (about 2 hours). Add cherries (cutting them in half). Stir well. Process for 10 minutes in boiling water bath. Makes eight 6 oz. jars. NOTE: This is good used as a topping on pound cake. SOURCE: Ruby Branning Shared by Nancy Coleman

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