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Crostata Di Frutta Di Stagione

Recipe : Crostata Di Frutta Di Stagione
Procedure :

---------------------------------SHORTCAKE--------------------------------- 7 oz Flour

2 1/2 oz Sugar

1 pn Salt

3 1/2 oz Butter

2 Egg yolks

1/4 ts Lemon rind, grated

----------------------------------FILLING---------------------------------- Strawberries -OR desired fresh fruits ------------------------------CREMA PASTICCERA------------------------------ 3 Egg yolks

1/3 c Sugar

2 oz Flour

1 pn Vanilla

1 1/2 c Milk

-----------------------------------GLAZE----------------------------------- Apricot jam SIFT TOGETHER FLOUR, sugar and salt on a wooden pastry board. Make a well in the center and add butter, egg yolks and lemon rind. Mix and knead with the fingertips taking care not to handle too much. When smooth, shape into a ball and chill for about 30 minutes. Roll out lightly in a circle, cut edges and keep dough about 1 inch larger than a 8- to 9-inch (diameter) fluted flan tin. Butter and flour the pan and fit the pastry into it, again trim the edges, prick with fork and flute edges. Place in preheated oven at moderate heat for 15 to 20 minutes. CREAM PASTICCERA: Beat together yolks and sugar until slightly thickened and a light lemon color. Beat in flour and vanilla. Over medium heat, bring milk just to the boil. Let it cool for a moment, then add it to the egg mixture, whisking rapidly. Cook over low heat until the pastry cream thickens enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon. Cool. When cream pasticcera is cool, spread evenly on the bottom of the pie. Fill with whatever fresh fruits are available, glaze with an apricot jam. Melt apricot jam glaze with a little hot water.

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