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Almond Marzipan Cream (Frangipane)

Recipe : Almond Marzipan Cream (Frangipane)
Procedure :

3 Eggs

3 oz (3/4 cup) all purpose flour

2 c Milk

4 oz (1/2 cup) sugar

6 oz (3/4 cup) ground almonds

You will need 2 bowls, a saucepan, and a baking dish. Beat the eggs together. Mix the flour with a little of the milk, and then stir into the rest of the milk and the beaten eggs. Cook the mixture over low heat like a custard, whisking steadily and adding the sugar and the almonds little by little. When thick, remove from the heat and pour into an oiled baking dish. When it is cold, cut into squares like Turkish delight. Serve as a special treat for holidays. From: "The Old World Kitchen - The Rich Tradition of European Peasant Cooking" by Elisabeth Luard, ISBN 0-553-05219-5 Posted by: Karin Brewer, Cooking Echo, 8/92

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