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Basic Bread Machine Recipe

Recipe : Basic Bread Machine Recipe
Procedure :

2 3/4 t Yeast

1 t Malt

11 oz Water (110 - 120 deg.F)

3 c Whole Wheat flour

1/2 c Unbleached white flour

2 T Sugar, honey, molasses...

1 t Salt

2 T Gluten

put yeast and malt into machine with several oz. of water. Use a thermometer for the water. Too hot will kill the yeast. The yeast will now proof (start to multiply) In a separate bowl, measure out all dry ingredients and mix. After a few minutes, yeast should be bubbling, add dry stuff and any liquids including the water. start the machine and see how it looks. If too dry, add until it looks right. Should be one big mass not several. Flour: I often substitute 1 cup of corn or rye + 1 heaping T of gluten for a cup of WW flour. For sweet breads, add another few T of sugar (I commonly use honey, molasses, or malt powder) and may some raisins. 3 T of carroway seeds or sesame seeds in a non sweet bread is great. I have

also added 2 mashed bananas, then cut the water.

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