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Beef Stir-Fry with Mushrooms & Sweet Pepper

Recipe : Beef Stir-Fry with Mushrooms & Sweet Pepper
Procedure :

1 1/2 ts Vegetable oil

1 lb Steak

1 sm Onion

1 sm Green bell pepper

1/4 lb Fresh mushrooms

1/4 ts Marjoram

1/4 ts Thyme

1/4 ts Pepper

1/4 c White wine

1/2 c Beef broth

1 t Cornstarch

1 tb Cold water

Heat vegetable oil in wok over moderately high heat for 30 seconds. Add steak, cut into strips, and fry until no longer pink. Remove. Add to wok at medium heat, 1 chopped onion, and chopped green pepper, fry for 1 minute. Mix in sliced mushrooms, marjoram, thyme and pepper and fry for 2-3 minutes. Raise heat to high and stir in white wine and boil, uncovered, for 1 minute. Add beef broth and simmer, covered, for 3-4 minutes. Blend, in a mix of cornstarch cold water. Stir until thickened, add previously cooked beef and cook 1 minute longer. Serve over white rice. Edited by Larry Bibich From and thanks to: Corina_Walker@CUEHere.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA Sun 07-04-1993

~-- ~-- ? RM 1.0 00275 ? Self made men have one problem-they worship their maker ? [R2.00g] ILink: Data Warp ? Spring/Houston, TX ? (713) 355-6107 ? ? BBS: Compu-Data (609) 232-1245 Date: Sat, 07-03-93 (21:32) Number: 14559 Refer: 0 To: TERRI ST.LOUIS From: KAREN MINTZIAS Subj: Meal Monster Conf: Cuisine (58) Read: No Status: Public ~?On <06-30-93 20:27> Terri St.louis wrote to Karen Mintzias: TS> Ergo, I have put all my DOS in a subdirectory called TS> "DOS" (not very imaginative, I admit), then in my TS> AUTOEXEC is a line that sez "PATH; C:\DOS, C:\MENUS, TS> C:\UTILS." Which means no matter what subdirectory I'm TS> on I can call up any DOS command in the DOS subdir, TS> batch file in the MENU subdir or utilities program on the TS> UTILS subdir. It's great for lazee people like me. <grin> Terri, I understand. But this doesn't explain WHY you put your autoexec.bat and config.sys in another directory. I have a buncha subdirectories in my path statement, but the autoexec.bat and config.sys are still in the root directory of my boot drive... :) Salad?

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