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Bamberger Krautbraten (Bramberger Meat & Cabba

Recipe : Bamberger Krautbraten (Bramberger Meat & Cabba
Procedure :

1 lb Cabbage; Head, Small

1 T Vegetable Oil

2 Onions; Medium, Chopped

1/2 lb Pork; Lean, Cubed

1 lb Ground Beef; Lean

1 t Caraway Seeds

1/2 t Salt

1/2 t Pepper

1/2 c White Wine; Dry

1 t Vegetable Oil

3 Bacon; Strips, Thick Sliced

Remove outer, wilted cabbage leaves and core. Place cabbage in a large pot of boiling water and simmer gently for 10 minutes. Remove and drain. gently pull off 12 leaves and set aside. Finely chop the rest of the cabbage. Heat 1 T vegetable oil; add onions, pork, and ground beef. Cook until lightly browned. Drain off excess fat. Add the chopped cabbage, caraway seeds, salt, and pepper. Pour in the white wine. Cover and simmer the mixture for 10 minutes, stirring often. Grease an ovenproof dish with 1 t of vegetable oil; line the dish with half the cabbage leaves. Spoon in the meat mixture, cover with the rest of the cabbage leaves. Cut bacon strips in half and arrange on top. Place in preheated 350 degree F. oven; bake for approximately 45 minutes.

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