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Dill Crock

Recipe : Dill Crock
Procedure :

Fresh dill 1/2 cup garlic cloves

Tabasco peppers 2 onions -- sliced

1 cauliflower

2 bell peppers

3/4 cup canning salt

10 cups water

Celery jar olives 1 pound green beans

2 bay leaves

Red sweet peppers small green tomatoes 3 slices carrots

1/4 cup cider vinegar

1 gallon jar

Make brine using 3/4 cup sea salt, 1/4 cup cider vinegar, 10 cups of water, sl ice onions, bell peppers, celery, carrot and break cauliflower into florets.

Pack layer of fresh dill and garlic on bottom of jar. Cook green beans 3 minu tes and drain. Layer all ingredients. Top off with more dill and garlic. Cove r with brine. Set a small saucer weighted to keep everything below brine. Cure 10 days at room temperature. Refrigerate.

busted by sooz

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