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Recipe : Beans'N'Greens
Procedure :

1 bn (app. 20 med. leaves)

Collards 1 c FRESH butterbeans (limas or

Blackeyed peas would work Too) 1 sm Onion, chopped

1 Or 2 fresh hot peppers,

Seeded and chopped 1/2 c White wine

2 Bayleaves

Put the wine in the pressure cooker and add the rinsed beans, the bayleaves, and enough water to cover. put the heat on medium to medium high, and do not cover (yet). let the beans simmer as you prepare the greens: rinse each leaf, devein, stack flat on top of one another, roll them up tightly, and slice across the roll to shred them nicely. add the onions to the beans and cook until just translucent. add the greens and the hot peppers and mix well. put the lid onto the pressure cooker and bring up to pressure. cook at pressure for about 3 minutes. cool the cooker under cool water. serve the beans and greens with your favorite vinegar (like apple cider, balsamic, or rice). From: Libby . Fatfree Digest [Volume 11 Issue 5], Oct. 5, 1994.Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34,

using MMCONV.

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