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Back to Recipe List for Baked Goods Part 3

Biscotti Ai Pignoli

Recipe : Biscotti Ai Pignoli
Procedure :

1 1/2 c Sugar

3 ts Pine nuts

4 Eggs

2 1/8 c Cake flour

1/4 ts Grated lemon rind

2 ts Xxx sugar

Recipe by: (Stephanie da Silva) Place sugar and eggs in top of double boiler over hot but not boiling water, beat until mixture is lukewarm. Remove from over hot water and beat until foaming and cool. Add lemon rind and flour slowly and gently. Drop by tsps. on a buttered and floured baking sheet, 1" space between each, sprinkle with xxx sugar and pine nuts, let stand 10 minutes. Bake at 375F for 15 minutes. -----

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