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Bagels Sesame Garlic Or Plain

Recipe : Bagels Sesame Garlic Or Plain
Procedure :

2 ts Yeast

2 tb Honey

1 1/2 c Warm water

1 c Hard whole wheat flour

Mix together and let sit -until bubbly 2 1/4 c Hard whole wheat flour

1/2 ts Salt

1 1/2 tb Oil

2 1/2 tb Sesame seeds

1/2 tb To 1 tb garlic powder (to


From The Honey Bear Bakery, Kalispell, Montana Makes 8 sizeable bagels. Eggless. A handsome bagel. Double the recipe if you expect company - they'll disappear fast. Omit the sesame and garlic for plain bagels. Add remaining ingredients to sponge and knead dough well. Let dough rise in an oiled bowl that's covered until double in size. Punch down and divide into 8 pieces. Start a large pan of water boiling. Some say honey helps the glaze. . . you may (opt) add 1/2 Tbs honey to the water. Shape into round rolls, then push thumbs through center and shape the hole. Drop the bagels into boiling water right away after shaping them. Leave for about a minute - they'll puff up fast. Remove and put on oiled pan. Bake at 350 F for 20-25 min or at 400F for 10-15 min, until lightly browned. From: "Uprisings: Whole Grain Bakers Book" Posted by Theresa Merkling Posted by Theresa Merkling. Courtesy of Shareware PROFESSIONAL RECIPE CLIPPER 2.0

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PowerBlock Dumbbells